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History of the Alpha Delta Chapter

The Alpha Delta Chapter of the Chi Phi fraternity was originally founded as a local fraternity called Alpha Delta Sigma.  It was founded in 1911 by a group of 10 men who were seeking to be a brotherhood. Before long, the men sought an affiliation with a national fraternity. After many deliberations, they selected and applied to Chi Phi Fraternity with the help of Penn State University President Edwin Sparks.


The process took 11 years of petitioning, but eventually, the Chi Phi Congress accepted Alpha Delta Sigma on May 9, in 1924 with the designation as the Alpha Delta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity.  The fraternity purchased a lot of land  on the corner of Garner St. and East Hamilton Avenue and began construction of the house in 1931.  In 1932, the brotherhood moved into the house which still stands today. The fraternity continued to grow and strengthen until the Second World War broke out, at which time most brothers entered into the service.​
After the war, members were reintegrated into the fraternity and the Alpha Delta Chapter began to grow again. The fraternity then began a period of growth, development of young men, and stable existence for the next few decades.  In the year 2009, the fraternity was disbanded for the time being and the house was left vacant. The State College Borough mandate that all fraternity houses have a sprinkler system installed in their houses and the Alumni and brothers were not able to raise enough money to install one in the aging house. Six months after, the Alumni started a 5 year fundraising campaign to renovate the house and recolonize the fraternity.​


In the spring of 2012, the fraternity, under the guidance of nine men, began a process of recruitment and re-establishment designed to bring the Alpha Delta Chapter back to a position of honor.  In the 2012-2013 school year, 31 new members were initiated into the fraternity, with the help of the Phi Lambda Theta Chapter of Chi Phi at Bucknell University. 


The chapter was accepted into the Penn State Interfraternity Council in January 2013. 
The $1.7 million renovation of the chapter house was completed over the summer of 2013, and the house re-opened to the brotherhood the ensuing school year. 
Ever since, Chi Phi Alpha Delta has continued to grow and flourish as a fully functioning member of the Penn State Greek Community.


This is a summary of the Penn State Chi Phi Fraternity history. For a detailed history, please contact us at

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